Chaplaincy Services at Sibley Memorial Hospital

Nurse holding hand of a patient

西布里纪念医院的牧师服务部有着丰富而杰出的历史,拥有50多年的奉献服务. 这一传统的丰富性与西布里在19世纪末作为卫理公会医院成立有关th century.

小教堂位于主医院的一楼,主电梯旁边. 这座跨宗教教堂全天24小时开放,供人们祈祷、冥想和寻求慰藉. All are welcome. 推荐十大正规网赌平台可以在任何住院病房收听67频道的广播.

Channel 58 - Jewish Life TV, 59频道-基督教电视网(TBN)和60频道- EWTN(天主教主题节目)也可供观看.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, services have been postponed.

Our Services

Chaplains and nurses standing and smiling

科室致力于为患者提供精神和情感上的支持, their families and the staff of the hospital. As part of a holistic team, 我们提倡对人的精神关怀,这是西布里提供的全面关怀和服务的一个重要方面. 我们的专职牧师为所有信仰传统的人提供精神支持,并且随时可以在医院访问您的房间进行精神咨询, prayer, 在您解决住院期间可能出现的任何担忧或担忧时,提供情感支持或不加评判的陪伴. We are respectful of cultural, 精神和语言传统,并鼓励推荐十大正规网赌平台的私人神职人员访问和祈祷.

西布里纪念医院的牧师通过医疗部门的临床教牧教育项目接受专业培训. Among the services we provide are:

  • Spiritual assessments and visits to patients on clinical units
  • Bereavement support, prayers and blessings for patients, families and staff
  • Faith-specific resources such as Bibles, Korans, Shabbat candles, prayer books and other devotional resources and material
  • Consultation assistance and presence as part of the Interdisciplinary Team
  • Chapel services
  • Rituals such as:
    • Emergency baptisms
    • Anointing of the Sick and Eucharist for patients
    • Participation in other interfaith group rituals and traditions

我们可以为所有信仰团体服务,并且知道灵性在健康和生命转变的关键时刻的重要性. You do not have to be religious to request chaplaincy services. 我们系认为灵性和教牧关怀是所有人寻找生命意义和目的的需要, which can be expressed in many ways.

Contact Us

如欲联络我们的工作人员,请致电牧师服务办公室 202-537-4084 between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. After 5 p.m.在美国,一名随叫随到的牧师可以通宵响应任何紧急请求. 在这段时间里,让医院的通讯员呼叫值班牧师. 我们的响应时间可能需要一个小时,因为我们通常不会在医院过夜.

Clinical Pastoral Education Program

这个教育神学课程的重点是教牧的形成、能力和反思. CPE课程是获得任何国家相关团体牧师认证的第一步.

People forget what you kept, but they will never forget what you gave.


Chaplaincy Services Team

Chaplaincy care team

西布里的牧师寻求以包容的方式为那些需要牧师服务的人提供情感和精神关怀. They embrace every opportunity to listen, sit, 默祷或大声祷告,鼓励那些要求牧师服务的人.

The team includes a director, two part-time chaplains, an administrative assistant and volunteer clergy. Our volunteer clergy serve various faith groups within the hospital. They include Roman Catholic priests and Eucharistic ministers, Jehovah Witnesses ministers, a rabbi and clergy from various Protestant traditions.


这个团队有专门的训练,包括正在进行的研究,以保持我们在精神护理领域的可行性. 作为一家转型医院的一部分,它寻求邀请精神实践者参加会议, 我们的团队很荣幸能够帮助将科学发现与精神发现联系起来,以提供更全面的医疗保健形式.

牧师护理团队计划并领导礼拜和特别服务,以及旨在教育社区的座谈会. The group is present, caring, available and ready to journey with patients, staff, family and visitors to the hospital. Feel free to attend one of the programs or to call upon us for assistance. It is our pleasure to serve you.

About Reverend Sheila McNeil-Lee

Reverend Sheila C. McNeill-Lee

The Reverend Sheila C. 麦克尼尔-李是西布里纪念医院的牧师服务主任, which is a member of Johns Hopkins Medicine. 麦克尼尔-李牧师是全国专业牧师协会认证的牧师. Following a career in project management and public relations, 麦克尼尔-李牧师在华盛顿卫斯理神学院完成了她的神学院学位, D.C.

在西布里,她负责将灵性融入医学,为患者提供整体护理,并指导科室及其对患者的服务活动, families and staff. This includes special liturgical programs, 以及作为临床教牧教育协会(ACPE)主管管理和监督临床教牧教育(CPE)计划. In the CPE program, 她训练并指导学生发展牧灵关怀的技能.

Chaplain McNeill-Lee has been honored as an Emerging Leader within ACPE. 该奖项旨在表彰那些成为ACPE会员10年或以下,并通过他们的倡议为ACPE社区做出杰出贡献的人, innovation or leadership at the local hospital center, regional or national levels of the association. Her previous career assignments in Washington, D.C., 包括在病童医院和国家康复医院担任牧师, and chaplain resident, 在MedStar华盛顿医院中心担任ACPE主管和临床教牧教育协调员.

麦克尼尔-李牧师监督并为实习牧师提供牧灵关怀的见解和咨询, chaplain residents and chaplains. She serves as a member of Sibley's Research Review Committee, Ethics Committee and the Patient and Family Advisory Council.